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The Clearstream scandal
An imbroglio that threatens many French State dignitaries

When truth is stranger than fiction…

For almost three years, an imbroglio threatens many French State dignitaries. The affair has got a name – Clearstream -, possesses dark ramifications in the financial, political and legal worlds, and is even connected to the Russian mafia. The protagonists are Dominique de Villepin, Nicolas Sarkozy, Michèle Alliot-Marie, Renaud Van Ruymbeke, Jean-Louis Gergorin, Imad Lahoud… But where does the manipulation come from?

Jean-Marie Pontaut and Gilles Gaetner, both investigative journalists, have been among the first ones who took an interest in the Clearstream affair and who got the evidences of this explosive file. In Règlement de comptes à l’Élysée, they disclose the Clearstream secrets along with the origin, the organization and the stakes of this scandal. A book that you will enjoy like a thriller, but a book that discloses the truth.

Jean-Marie Pontault and Gilles Gaetner are chief editor and assistant chief editor of L’Express.


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