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Wisdom and madness of a world to come

Why do so many intellectuals indulge in that evil joy that is pessimism?
Why do we no longer see the considerable progress made by our societies in terms of life expectancy, health and working conditions?
Why are we afraid of the third industrial revolution – this spectacular convergence of artificial intelligence, computing and robotics?
Why do we let ourselves be invaded by disaster scenarios, conspiracy theories, fake news?
Why do we no longer believe in Europe?
Why such a lack of confidence in the future?

In this literary essay, the philosopher Luc Ferry and the economist Nicolas Bouzou answer these questions that concern us all, us and our children.
They unite their voices to apprehend the world that is coming, and to state the conditions that will allow wisdom to prevail over madness.
They urge us not to give in to the prevailing pessimism and to meet with courage and lucidity the new challenges of the twenty-first century.

 A book as lucid as it is powerful.


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