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I Had an Out-of-Body Experience

Krystel was involved in a serious car accident the day before her final exams. She is declared clinically dead upon arriving in the hospital, and she spends four weeks in a coma. During those four weeks, despite being unconscious, she can still hear her friends, and her parents, talking to her as she lies there, seemingly asleep. Their presence helps her hold on, inside her dislocated body.

When she wakes up, the nurses call it a miracle. But the hardest part for Krystel is yet to come, as she is trapped in a body that no longer does what she wants it to. She has forgotten whole chunks of her life, she can’t speak, or move her limbs. The world is suddenly such a strange place for her.

However, she fights her way back, slowly but surely, armed with an unbreakable will to live. Every victory of her disability is solely due to her willpower. Any repercussions? Yes, Krystel can definitely feel them. But now she can speak, she can walk, smile, work, she has a husband and children.

Her testimony is full of hope,of emotion, and she shares with us her taste for life, as well as her impressions of its frailty. She gives us a different point of view on disability.
An accident can happen in the blink of an eye.


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