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The Alliance

A new gripping investigation for Sarah Gerigën, protagnosit of the best-seller The Scream

An island stricken by icy winds, in Norway on the edge of the Arctic Circle. Atop a cliff, the naked and martyred corpse of a woman. The Norwegian Prime Minister. Her hands grip a piece of white chalk. Below, on a corniche, the hollowed out head of a bull.
Faced with this crime scene, as terrifying as it is bizarre, the Norwegian authorities have no other choice but to call in Sarah Geringën, the ex-special forces agent and super-investigator who was in charge of the investigation in The Scream, Nicolas Beuglet’s previous novel.
Sarah discovers that the victim was killed by sword and  that between her toes there is a miniscule tattoo with the word “Etta”. While researching the crime she discovers that the same type of crimes happened….2700 years ago. Soon after, she unearths a sanctuary beneath the Prime Minister’s house. Inside she finds a computer and the references of three women in charge of carrying out an incredible mission: restoring the power of women.

Next to the names of these women are three dates, very close together. This sounds like a guarantee of mayhem.
Sarah is sure that these women are in danger. When she starts feeling the shadow of a killer hovering around her the elite policewoman understands that a deadly hunt has begun to stop them.

And keep men in power…

A remarkable thriller full of action and suspense
Afther “The Scream“, Nicolas Beuglet gives us a new thriller with an astonishing ending

And what if, long before men, women rules the world?


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