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A History of World War II
Volume 3 : 1942, Dawn of A New Day

During that impressive year in 1942, between terror and hope, Max Gallo continues his epic History of World War II.

1942: “Death greedily crosses continents and oceans.”

In Europe, Africa, and Asia, in the Indian Ocean, the Pacific or the Arctic, on all fronts, soldiers, and especially civilians, are falling by the hundreds of thousands.

According to Hitler’s acclaimed and well rehearsed plan, the Nazi power exterminates Jews, deports and gasses them in giant trucks parked in the deepest, darkest forests of central Europe, executes them in ghettos all accross Poland, Ukraine, and Russia. The World War has become a total War: “Totalkrieg”. However, as the nazi camp falls deeper into the abyss of evil, it gets weaker.

In Russia, the German army is retreating, after being defeated in Moscow and Stalingrad. In Africa, the Allied Forces take up the offensive once again. In France, Jean Moulin, organises the Resistance. Hope lives. De Gaulle, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin are aware of it, and while leading their armies, are preparing the world for the celebrations of victory.

No one doubts Hitler’s determination, and everyone is aware that nothing is yet certain. The only guarantee is that suffering will be great, and the punishment will have to match the crime.

1942: for the world, victory becomes a dream that may come true. A new day is born.


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