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Patrick Chauvel

Patrick Chauvel, a Frenchman, is 50 years old and one of the world’s greatest reporters. His talent and his courage have been acclaimed by his professional colleagues and friends, such as James Nachtwey, Luc Delahaye, Gilles Peress, Heidi Bradner… His photos have appeared on the covers and front pages of many newspapers and magazines: Newsweek, Time, Life, The Herald Tribune, Paris-Match, Stern…

As a photographer for Sygma and Sipa, he spent six years in the United States and created the Sygma bureau in Miami, from which he covered all the wars in Latin America. He is now independent. He has been awarded many prizes, among them the Missouri Prize 1981 and World Press/Spot News.

His documentary on the world’s fifteen greatest war reporters, Rapporteurs de Guerre (War Reporters), has been shown throughout the world , bought by 17 television channels (Canal +, RTI, WRD, Radio Canada…) in 14 countries (United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Canada…) and greatly acclaimed by the international press (see page 3). He has advised major Hollywood directors on their films, among them Oliver Stone (on Under Fire), Ridley Scott (on Black Hawk Down) and Michael (on Deadline Beirut).


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